BK Engineering
Meeting The Needs Of Industry With ISO 9001 Compliant Manufacturing


Here is a list of FAQ for the Aerospace Industry including drones:

Q: How to clean niobium?
A: To properly clean niobium follow these steps:
Immerse in commercial alkaline cleanser for 5-10 mins
Rinse with water
Immerse in 35-40% HNO2 for 2-5 mins at r.t.
Rinse with cascade
Force air dry

Q: What are some rhenium alloys?
A: Here are some of the common rhenium alloys which are less expensive compared to Alloy 75:
Tungsten/26 Rhenium
Tungsten/5 Rhenium
Tungsten/3 Rhenium
50/50 Moly/Rhenium (Actually 47% Re)
Moly/41% Re

Q: What is the maximum tube size I can have made of rhenium tubing?
A: Approx. 1/2" dia.

Q: I'm worried about bar feeder alignment. Is there a way to check and adjust the bar feed?
A: Sure, there are many ways but one that works well is the L56SS Bar Feeder Alignment System from Laser Tools Co. Setup only takes 5 minuts and the target grid makes it fun and worthwhile. Give Nicolas Mayerhoeffer a call at 501.562.0900 and see the article on pages 27-28 of Modern Machine Shop (Nov.2013, mmsonline.com).

Q: How to find out about corrosion resistance of tantalum and other metals alloys? Are there any diagrams that show the general corrosive effects of oxidizing and reducing acids and also show the presence of a chloride ion?
A: Yes, see this diagram...

Updated: 12 FEB 2015